Friday, November 16, 2012

Obama Re-elected, Really?

I have to admit I was surprised when Obama officially got re-elected. Both that the powers that be selected him (remember, they announce his win before some states even counted votes) but that people actually celebrated this and went gaga. It was a victory for Team Obama, after all, even though the other team plays for the same bigger team.

I was surprised because I thought more people were around for the last 4 years. But no, they were asleep. I can totally understand how in 2008, the masses threw themselves to this mysterious charlatan named Obama after a successful campaign, partly inspired by Bob The Builder of "Yes We Can" fame. Fast forward 2012, and it's a new slogan to chant, "Forward."

But what about "Yes I Did"?
  • Yes I did - approve trillions in bankster bailouts
  • Yes I did - put lobbyists in top jobs at the White House
  • Yes I did - allow airport x-raying and groping of women, children and seniors
  • Yes I did - allow unemployment to surge sky high
  • Yes I did - allow massive bank foreclosures on people's homes
  • Yes I did - keep Guantanamo open and allow torture to continue
  • Yes I did - support Israel's Palestinian holocaust
  • Yes I did - expand a murderous international drone war of  terror
  • Yes I did - continue bombing and robbing the people of Iraq
  • Yes I did - continue bombing and robbing the people of Afghanistan
  • Yes I did - illegally bomb Libya without the consent of Congress
  • Yes I did - COVERTLY bomb Syria
  • Yes I did - impose crippling sanctions on  the people of Iran 
  • Yes I did - accept the Nobel Peace Prize (insert canned laugh track!)
  • Yes I did - sign the NDAA and turn America into a police state
  • Yes I did - create a socialist healthcare/RFID program (remember, the microchip agenda!)
  • Yes I did - fake the capture and killing of Bin Laden (second times a charm)
  • Yes I did - create a kill list (which includes American citizens!)
  • Yes I did - plunge the global financial markets
  • Yes I did - fake green energy programs like Solyndra
Surely, this was in the back of the minds of those who wanted change 4 years ago, and instead got an even more tyrannical Bush!?! Or maybe it's just that people understand it takes more than 4 years to close a prison in the island of Cuba — which is weird in itself, no?

Is it Bush or Obama? Damnit, I can't tell them apart!
In any case, it was very upsetting to see all the joy going on for another 4 years of this madness. Especially when the madness is aimed to destroy those in joy. And not that the other major player would be any better! That deserves it's very own post to go over the aspect of no-choice and how they divide and conquer us through this fake duality or force us to pick the lesser of two evils and to ignore third-party and think we are hopeless. The good news is something like 51% of voters didn't. Myself included — I need to be able to sleep at night!

I will say that in my perspective - we were looking at essentially two liberal candidates. Sure, Romney being labeled a Republican has to pay lip service to some good things, like not grabbing citizens' guns, but ultimately it's all political theatre. These guys are both actors. I mean, the casting department couldn't have picked a better caricature of a so-called Republican guy. It sure fooled the so-called "left".

These actors are also without a single thought of their own - at least that are worthy of hearing. I mean, have you heard Obama talk in-depth about anything that is important? That's teleprompter free? It's usually just sports and entertainment B/S — he seems to be into that. Cool man, he's a man of the people. But don't expect a Ron Paul type of intellect on that guy. There's no interest in serious stuff. He's not really a politician, he just plays one on the world stage. Total actor. But don't let that stop you thinking he's some sort of genius or Martin Luther King, Jr. or ironically, Abraham Lincoln. (this is why that's ironic)

Wow. So we are really quite lost amidst this era of information at our fingertips. So why not create a blog about it, to share my thoughts and perspective and cool information? Well, here it is...let's see if I can keep up!! 

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